he update for Lync CU5 is here, and there are some nice fixes in this latest batch.
- Server (4.0.7577.190)
- Client (4.0.7577.4072)
- OCPE (4.0.7577.4066)
- Group Chat (4.0.7577.4071)
Gateway pre-requisites
Regardless of your PSTN gateway type (basic, enhanced, etc), make sure you check with the vendor or your support provider to ensure there are no pre-requisites there before you upgrade Lync to CU5. It’s fairly common-place to need to upgrade the gateway to a current/certified version before taking any of the Lync components to a new CU level.
NET has advised that the UX needs to be running 2.0.2 (2.0v130) or above for CU5 support, and the VX needs to be at least 4.7.5v61.
If/as I come across any others I’ll let you know.
Don’t forget the Database Update!
As with the last 2 updates, there’s an accompanying update to the database. I found the instructions that accompanied the KB article to be a little misleading, so opted for the following, which is simply based upon the requirements from the CU4 documentation:
Standard Edition FE:
Install-CsDatabase –Update -LocalDatabases
If Enterprise Edition Back End Server databases are not collocated with any other databases, such as Archiving or Monitoring databases, at the command line, type the following:
Install-CsDatabase –Update –ConfiguredDatabases –SqlServerFqdn <SQL Server FQDN>
If Enterprise Edition Back End Server databases are collocated with other databases, such as Archiving or Monitoring databases, at the command line, type the following:
Install-CsDatabase –Update –ConfiguredDatabases –SqlServerFqdn <SQL Server FQDN> -ExcludeCollocatedStores
Useful additions and fixes
I’ve scanned the respective KBs and thought the below were noteworthy:
2666344 You cannot add a DFS file share as a file store in Topology Builder of Lync Server 2010.
Nice to see that finally addressed!
2666326 You cannot share an application or the desktop in Lync Web App.
Could come in handy!
2664650 Microsoft push notification messages are not delivered to Lync mobile clients.
Goodie! A mobility fix.
2672944 A contact is displayed with an incorrect picture and incorrect presence information in Lync 2010.
I had a laugh – I’ve not seen this problem with Lync – but DEFINITELY with Facebook!!
2666709 An update is available for RCC enabled users to make video calls or conference calls in Lync 2010.
This one’s been long anticipated. Now, even if you’re using RCC, you can do video – but your audio now also comes from Lync, not your RCC’d phone. So if you want to use video, you also need a USB headset on your PC for the audio to accompany the call.
2637105 “Please verify your logon credentials and try again” error message when a user signs in to Lync Server 2010
2681509 Users have to manually input the user name every time that they sign in to the Lync 2010 client
I thought these were just nice-to-haves for IT support. One’s a fix, the other’s a more useful dialog box explaining an error.
2672935 Federated users do not receive a meeting invitation in Lync Server 2010
Yes, that could be embarrassing.
2673305 Packet loss occurs when you connect a telephone that is running Lync 2010 Phone Edition to a computer
Ooh. Yes, that sounds nasty. (The notes indicate it’s related to receiving multicast streams whilst tethered by USB, so perhaps not as bad as the title might suggest).
2666706 Description of a new feature that lets users set or change their presence information by using a telephone in Lync 2010 Phone Edition
This one’s a bit of a yawn-maker – but it’s bringing the Aries phones into feature alignment with the CX700/Tanjay, which has let you do this since day dot. So a nice-to-have if you have a mixture of phone models, as lots of our sites upgraded from OCS do.
In case you’re curious, I ran the ServerUpdateInstaller.EXE across my Exchange 2010 SP2 “Rollup 0” and it found nothing to update. But then it occurred to me – it uses various OCS plugins for IM through OWA… But that’s for
another post.
Some More Links
Here are the other items you might want to download. These remain unchanged in CU5: