mercredi 16 février 2011

Installer ADMT 3.2 sur un DC 2008 R2

If you have a requirement to install ADMT 3.2 and SQL Express 2008 SP1 on the
same DC, use the following steps on target domain DC:
  1. Install Cumulative Update Package 4 for SQL
    Server 2008
    on the DC -
  2. Install SQL Express 2008 SP1 on the DC -
    Note the SQL Instance name created during the install (default is SQLEXPRESS).
  3. Create a domain local group with the format of
    "SQLServerMSSQLUser$<DCComputerName>$<InstanceName>". For example, if the DC is named "DC1" and the SQL instance was "SQLEXPRESS"
    you would run the following command in an admin-elevated CMD prompt:

  4. Retrieve the SQL service SID by using the SC.EXE command with the name of
    the SQL service instance. For example, if the SQL instance was "SQLEXPRESS" you
    would run the following command in an admin-elevated CMD prompt and note the
    returned SERVICE SID value:

  5. In the Windows directory, create the "ADMT" subfolderfolder and a further
    subfolder of "Data". For example you would run the following command in an
    admin-elevated CMD prompt:

  6. Using the SID retrieved in Step 4, set FULL CONTROL permissions on the
    %SystemRoot%\ADMT\Data folder. For example, if the SID returned in Step 4 was
    "S-1-5-80-3880006512-4290199581-3569869737-363123133" you would run the
    following command in an admin-elevated CMD prompt:

    ICACLS %systemroot%\ADMT\Data /grant *S-1-5-80-3880006512-4290199581-3569869737-363123133:F
  7. Install ADMT 3.2 on the DC while selecting the local SQL Express 2008

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