mercredi 15 février 2012

Arcserve R16 Exchange mode feuille

If the MAPI-CDO package is installed before the CA ARCserve Backup Agent for Exchange is installed, ARCserve will detect the presence of the required binaries and automatically prepare the Exchange server for granular backups and restores during the Agent Installation.
If the MAPI-CDO package is installed after the CA ARCserve Backup Agent for Exchange is installed, please perform the following steps to enable granular backups and restores:
Make sure that no one is using the CA ARCserve Management Console to perform any operations (i.e. browse, backup, restore, etc.) on the Exchange Server.
Login to the Microsoft Exchange Server
Stop the CA ARCserve Universal Agent Service.
Open a command-line window, and go to the CA ARCserve Exchange Agent’s home directory
Under the “DocumentLevel” subdirectory, execute the following command
ExchDocWrapper.exe –regServer
This command verifies the existence of the MAPI-CDO package and registers the Document-Level functionality.
Start the CA ARCserve Universal Agent service

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