mercredi 13 avril 2011

Migrate Sharepoint 2007 to 2010 error

In my last migration under Sharepoint 2007 and 2010, i've found many error write by stsadm -o preupgradecheck :

- Missing Webpart
Use sql command for found it :
SELECT * FROM [WebParts] where tp_WebPartTypeId = '25603dac-dee4-e4b0-5518-e9ac034dba57' -- search for the invalid webpart id & use the tp_SiteID & tp_PageUrlId values below
SELECT * FROM [Sites] where Id = '58B834C9-5682-4FA5-92EB-4D1F6CEB4CDC' -- tp_SiteID
SELECT * FROM [AllDocs] where Id = '0C22E0E5-CF32-4096-9869-26657162A23F' -- tp_PageUrlId

And use this for delete :
First, I chose Add a Web Part

Then I chose "Advanced Web Part Gallery and Options"

Then I chose to list all "Closed Web Parts" and added them all to my dashboard

I then simply edited the web part and "deleted" them, instead of closing them (click on the X)

- Missing Feature
Use Sql command for found it :
select * from AllDocs with (nolock)
where SetupPath like 'Features\ReportServer%'

And delete it with Wss command :

- Invalid DataBaseSchema
For me, it's a table added by customer since many years ago...and visual filter. delet all for win !^^
or try it : To resolve the issue and return the database schema back to the original state I user SSMS and opened up the System Tables section of my content database and deleted the sysdiagrams table. I went back and ran the PreUpgradeCheck and this time I got a clean report. 

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